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DIANE D In The Headlines - Volume 2 - Part 1
DIANE D In The Headlines - Volume 2 - Part 1 Read online
In The Headlines
Volume 2
Part 1
Doris Miller
Published by:
Hill Publications
Queens, New York
In The Headlines
Volume 2
Part 1
Doris Miller
This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and events depicted in this novel are the author's creation and any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is unintentional and purely coincidental.
Copyright © 2004 by Doris Miller
All rights reserved
First print version January 2015
Adapted from the script
The Headlines And Articles Of
Volume 2
First written in 2003
Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, digital or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, posting on the Internet/World Wide Web or by any information storage and retrieval system without written permission from the author or publisher except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.
Book production by
Hill Publications
1. Title. 2. Author
Library of Congress Control Number 2013940365
ISBN No. 978-0-9662055-4-1 Softcover
In The Headlines
Volume 2
Part 1
The lead character of this story is Diane D of DIANE D The Musical Drama.
Diane D is a young gorgeous female who was born in the Dominican Republic. She has a fair complexion and small puffy eyes. She has long black wavy hair, which hangs down her back. She stands at 5' 5 1/2" tall and has a strong muscular physique. She is a physically strong person, especially when angry. She is a very athletic person. She has been athletic since childhood. Diane D dresses a lot in turtlenecks and stretch jeans. Her mom’s side of the family are all from the Dominican Republic. They speak both Spanish and English. They now live in New York and have a family business where they own and run The Diaz-Davidson Organization which is a charity and entertainment organization
This story also involves headline scandals, sniper shootings, drunk driven arrests, weapons possession charges, fist fights, a few car chases, motorcycle chases, the Dianettes’ attack and rivalry against another well known female pop group which caused the female pop group to be hospitalized and missed their flight causing their concert to be canceled.
This story also involves three female police officers being beaten, attacked and injured on two different occasions by Diane D’s deranged and dangerous cousin Dangerous Dana. All three female officers are forced to quit and resign from the police force because of their permanent injuries they suffered from Dana.
This story also involves the Dianettes’ back stage attack on another well-known female singer and her husband and a newspaper reporter's apparent suicide.
Table of Contents
Chapters 1 - 26
Chapter 1. The Weapons Possession Charge
Chapter 2. Dana Bully’s Her Aunt’s Tenants
Chapter 3. Problem At The Dance Studio
Chapter 4. Controversy Over Diane D’s Dance Steps
Chapter 5. Controversy At The Catering Hall
Chapter 6. The Dana Vs. Newspaper Reporter Showdown!
Chapter 7. Dana’s Trial
Chapter 8. Dana's Homecoming
Chapter 9. Controversy At The Dance Studio
Chapter 10. The Rival!
Chapter 11. Dana Throws Contractors Out
Chapter 12. Tension At The Dance Studio
Chapter 13. Diane D’s Absence Causes Tension
Chapter 14. Round 2 Of The Dianettes Vs. The Punky Gurlz!
Chapter 15. Intimidation At The Catering Hall
Chapter 16. Controversy Over Snatched Chains As Dana Strikes Police!
Chapter 17. The Motorcycle Chase!
Chapter 18. Road Rage As Diane D And Dana Try To Assault Motorist!
Chapter 19. The Dianettes Got The Fashion Bug
Chapter 20. The Soda Challenge
Chapter 21. The Sniper Shooting!
Chapter 22. Lost In The Woods
Chapter 23. Diane D Angrily Walks Off Stage And Socks Reporter!
Chapter 24. Michael Makes A Shocking Confession To Diane D
Chapter 25. The Beast Within Returns
Chapter 26. Diane D Gets Arrested At Hospital Where She Works!
DanaDiane D, Michael
Michael Dana
Diane D and the Dianettes
Chapter 1
The Weapons Possession Charge